Festivals - An escape from day to day rat race

We cannot trace the exact time in history since when people started celebrating festivals. But, all the civilizations that have ever existed on earth used to celebrate some festival in one way or other. Though the practices and ways of celebrating festivals vary among countries and have changed a lot over time, festivals provide a brief respite to people from their monotonous schedules which they must adhere to in order to conveniently live the life they are living.

By that I mean to say, teachers need to teach, students need to study, businessmen need to run business, manufacturers need to manufacture, workers in a factory need to work after the festival ends. In fact, they need to work even harder to compensate and pay for the enjoyment and free time they had during the festivals. Everyone is seeking relief everytime. We have agitated our life so much that we need alcohol and smokes to lighten our head. We have created smartphones and internet to indulge into our habits of peeping into others' lives, that too without getting caught. We are bored by luxuries. The latest smartphone you paid an arm for is already less desirable because there is another model available already and you wish to have it. That wish is the evil that keeps you working all the long hours of day and even night. Has any animal ever deteriorated his health such badly as men do ? Sleepless nights for study, for overtime work, for partying, for festivals, for night duties, for security.... and you name it. And, living everyday in such rat race people seek an excuse for having merriment. You open a restaurant there, people will fill it up. You open an amusement park there, there will be people too. People amass plenty of money, more than they will ever need, but exchanging that with their time and health. So they go on binge drinking, partying on weekends. Because they know another hectic week is on its way. You work, party (to get over the workload), work again to pay for the party, get hypertension ( from the excessive workload), work again for the healthcare fees, and the cycle continues. Very few people can break free.

Rest continue on celebrating festivals, weekly, monthly, and yearly. They have named it as birthdays, anniversaries, honeymoons, promotions parties, celebrations and many more. But, their unhappy souls seek the peace, seek the silence, and seek the ultimate relaxation, no movement at all. Imagine yourself on a board full of erect pins. You stand on it and have pain, and to relieve that pain you are jumping up and down, you expect relief but none ensues, you jump harder, hoping you will be relieved once you jump much harder. Your feet hurt, you get tired but the pain aggravates instead of relieving. That is the situation with people these days.